A: 300x300MM
B: 2-3MM
A: 400x400MM
B: 2-3MM
Safety Tactile Pave is an Australian made reinforced 2MM concrete tactile/cautional and directional TGSI tactile paver. Initially designed to assist the vision-impaired but they now have a wide range available for a variety of uses.
All components used in the making of the pavers are sourced locally in Australia.
Safety Tactile Pave are available for all of your safety needs. Bollards, tactile indicators, stair treads, handrails, etc. See all products for more information.
Eliminating excavation, saw cutting, drilling and with minimal surface treatment required, Safety Tactile Pave can be installed in a short time frame.
An approximate cure time of less than one hour enables the area of installation to be trafficable in approximately two hours post installation - subject to weather.
Safety Tactile Pave does not lift, become dog-eared, delaminate or break. At a 2MM thickness, the concrete tactile is laid virtually flush with the existing surface reducing the danger of tripping hazards.
Our 2MM concrete tactiles have been put through comprehensive load testing and slip resistance tests. Safety Tactile Pavers have shown they are able to withstand high volume pedestrian traffic and heavy weight vehicle traffic up to 2 tonne as per Zedcon’s Compressive Load testing. We certify all our work to comply with current industry standards.
Conforms to AS 1428.4 Slip Resistance Specifications and has passed ATTARs Wear Resistance Test and Zedcom Compressive Load Test. Conforms to the specifications required by Public Transport Authority and Main Roads of Western Australia. R12 Slip Rating approved.
Tiles are manufactured locally in our warehouse within as little as two weeks.